Hello from TX


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 25, 2011
I've been lurking on these forums for almost a year, finally decided to register!

I currently live in North TX and have approximately 30 guinea fowl (French, white, lavender, royal purple, violet, slate, coral blue, and buff dondette), 10 Easter eggers, and 3 generic red Tractor Supply hens lol. I started with the guineas to control bugs and weeds, then added the chickens a few months later. The TS hens and guineas are laying, I expect the EEs to start any time now. The birds free range on 5.5 acres and have a house to roost in, though it's hard to get the guineas to use it. I'm hoping to put up a barn in our back pasture this Fall and train the guineas to go in before winter (they already come when called for a white millet treat). We have 2 Anatolian Shepherds that are excellent flock guardians.

Besides the chickens, we also raise and show Champion Skye Terriers and campaign one of the top Skyes in the USA (shameless plug: GCH CH Solana Big Lebowski ). We've also been showing the aforementioned Anatolians for the last 2 years. The dogs and shows keep me pretty busy year-round, and I've toyed with the idea of picking a breed of chicken to raise and possibly show as well, but that would be down the road after I gain more experience with them.
from MO
from Alabama. Glad you joined us. Sounds like you have some beautiful colors in guineas, especially the royal purple

Lots of good luck with all of your animals
A big Texas-sized

Come introduce yourself on the BYC Texas Thread (see my siggy)


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