Hello From Upper Peninsula, MI!


May 3, 2024
Upper Peninsula, MI
Hello, all! Decided to join officially as a second-year chicken keeper. My flock is currently eight lovely 1-year-old Orpingtons. I have one broody girl that is sitting on 3 adopted eggs (Barnyard mystery cross), expected to hatch May 7th!

Never planned on being a chicken person, but here I am. Made the decision to go for it after having raised/rehabbed/released several wild mallards that were either abandoned or injured. Fell in love with raising birds and wanted some I could keep. Bought 10 orpington eggs last year, hatched six, five survived, and bought four more chicks to start the flock. Eight hens, and one rooster that had to become soup as he chose a life of violence.

I love watching them move as a flock, how good they are at hunting, and how absolutely silly they can be.

I work full time at my local health food store, enjoy as much time as I can get being outdoors.

Looking forward to sharing info and getting better educated. 🩵

Photo of my ladies (9months at the time). Left to right, Mouse, Tate, George, Dorothy, Sophia, Rose, Jerry, and Blanche


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