Hello from Utah

Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
It's demanding being a caretaker for a loved one. I take care of my DH who has Alzheimer's. It's tough. Good for you that you are willing to make that sacrifice for your father.

Alzheimer’s is rough :( I couldn’t imagine, but when you love someone, you’d do anything for them
:frowHi there. Welcome to this nice community of (sometimes crazy) chicken enthusiasts.

You are going to find chicken keeping fun, rewarding and a great stress buster.

Your dad might really enjoy participating or even just watching them.
They are much more entertaining than most tv shows.
Thanks for joining. You’re going to like it here.

He enjoys going out there and watching them! He doesn’t participate much, but that’s ok, he gets a few laughs out of them!
farmer connie wel blu.jpg

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