Hello from Vallejo ca


Mar 11, 2015
I am going to be getting my first chickens soon. I grew up with pet ducks, rabbits, snakes, cats and dogs. I'm an avid gardener, and love the information I have gleaned here. Here are pictures of our coop and greenhouse in progress.
the left side will be a greenhouse, and the right will be a 3x8x 8 ft chicken coop. We will be putting up hard wear cloth to create a run under the deck an behind the coop and greenhouse with a run along the fence under the peach trees. Under the deck gets sun until 3 pm.
The front of the coop will house 2-3 nesting boxes for 4-5 hens, with roosting perches on the back end. There will be a full sized door inside the greenhouse to make mucking out easier. I welcome suggestions.
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glad you have joined us.

Looks like a great plan to use the space you have to get your own backyard flock. Many people who would love having chickens think you need acres to accomplish this. I would love to see the progress on your coop/run as it develops.

If you plan to let them range in the yard, make sure you protect any tender plants in the garden.

Make sure you incorporate a dust bath area, under the deck would be the best location.

Good luck with all, enjoy the forums.

You may be interested in some of the gardening threads. Looks like you also have a green thumb :)
Turns out I will be adopting 2 1 year old gold sex linked sisters this Sunday!! Thank you for the feedback. Under the deck is exactly where I plan to put the dust bath. The greenhouse may have to double as a temporary run dependant on how much I get fenced off before then.
Hi There!

Are you still in Vallejo? I am also in Vallejo and recently got 4 hens! Would love to connect with you!
Hi There!

Are you still in Vallejo? I am also in Vallejo and recently got 4 hens! Would love to connect with you!

Greetings from Kansas, vmincey and :welcome! I noticed you posted onto the tail end of a 2015 thread. Since that member has already been welcomed, your post may not get many replies. We wouldn't want you to feel neglected so if you like, go back to the New Member Introduction Forum, select Start a New Thread, and tell us about yourself. That way we can give you a proper BYC welcome! :)

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