Hello from Western South Dakota

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Yes! Chickens will lead all those other beasts at your place!

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This spring I started thinking about chickens. I don’t know why. I just did. I’ve been thinking about them and reading and watching videos and pondering and vacillating and a couple of weeks ago I finally decided I would go for it, even this late in the year. Ever since, I’ve been building a chicken coop and buying stuff. It’s hard building chicken coops in the seemingly never ending rain and hail. Weird weather this year.

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Who knew chickens could be so pricey, though? I hope we get some wonderful, amazing golden eggs with all the green I’ve been passing around. Chickens are nearly as expensive as kids! (Well, maybe not quite THAT expensive, but still...) Anyway, my babies are supposed to arrive this Friday. I’m expecting 15 little girls and kinda hoping for an oops little boy somewhere in there. I picked three each of Buff Orpingtons, Black Australorps, Black-Laced Silver Wyandottes, Dominiques, and Colombian Wyandottes.

I also bought a stock tank for a brooder, light, “warm-plate” wee-awning kind of thing, other stuff... but then read somewhere (on here, probably) that all the inside brooding could happen outside. Since I have the coop and no chickens yet, why not use it? It’s not cold and not all that hot, either. I’m scabbing power from a line in the adjacent tool shed, so I can run the warmer thingie and if necessary, a light as well. Maybe I’ll use the tank for watering goats or a cow if I like taking care of chickens. I’ve been thinking about goats and cows...

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