Hello from Yorkshire


9 Years
Jun 2, 2010
I'm looking forward to lots of chicken chat so I don't have to bore my friends and workmates anymore!

I have a few chickens-

3 bantams (Heinz 57 x Silkie)
2 Reds (some hybrid, from an egg farm)
1 White Orpington

1 8 week old Black Silkie Bantam
1 4 week old Lavender Araucana

And a Light Sussex x Lavender Araucana that isn't really mine, my bantam hatched it from my friend's egg, it'll go back to her soon

Want more chooks, so will be asking lots of questions about breeds, and breeding them.
and a Texas size:
Hi and Welcome!

I am fairly new to BYC. Signed in around 05/01/10 and have read, read and read. Thought I'd say Hi from Arkansas! Yorkshire, England?
I am addicted to BYC and to chickens....have owned my own chickens for about 2 months (my family had some when I was around 4 yrs. old).
I am finding all kinds of breeds that I would love to have. Currently, I am looking for some fertile French Wheaton Marans to hatch out.
Well, welcome.....I hope we talk again. Best of luck to you! Rhonda
Funny you said that. I've long since worn out my co-workers tolerance for more chicken talk. That's why they let me play on BYC.

We are glad you joined us all the way from Yorkshire!

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