Hello! I'm Laverens Mom & I have lots of questions 😊🐔

Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
Laveren needs company but I'll bet your coop is way too small to get additionally chickens. If you seriously want to keep her and keep her happy I'd purchase or build a proper sized and designed coop then get some chicks to brood in a secure area of the coop so Laveren can watch her new flock mates grow up with her. Integration would be able to start by the time the chicks were 5 weeks old.
Just before Thanksgiving 2 sweet chickens appeared in our yard! The neighbors nextdoor had chickens last year that used to roost on our fence- they disappeared ☹don't want to know what happened to them- so went next door - & told woman her chickens were loose- she was unconcerned! So chickens roamed free for 2 weeks- i put out food & water& they started roosting in our apple tree- i have now named them Laverne and Shirley& they greet me every day 💕Now its getting colder & an owl has appeared as well as a LARGE opposum-plus there are hawks & neighborhoods cats- i decide to adopt/kidnap the girls to keep them safe- bought a super cute coop off of Chewy - by the time the coop arrives chickens have disappeared ☹remember its Thanksgiving & i fear the worst! Then my other neighbor sends a picture- Laverne is back in our yard but- without Shirley 😭😭 so I am now Laverne Mom🥰 no chicken knowledge- my brother has chickens & said this is the place to be for all answers to my questions! 💕 so hello!
Welcome. It is too bad about Shirley.
Just before Thanksgiving 2 sweet chickens appeared in our yard! The neighbors nextdoor had chickens last year that used to roost on our fence- they disappeared ☹don't want to know what happened to them- so went next door - & told woman her chickens were loose- she was unconcerned! So chickens roamed free for 2 weeks- i put out food & water& they started roosting in our apple tree- i have now named them Laverne and Shirley& they greet me every day 💕Now its getting colder & an owl has appeared as well as a LARGE opposum-plus there are hawks & neighborhoods cats- i decide to adopt/kidnap the girls to keep them safe- bought a super cute coop off of Chewy - by the time the coop arrives chickens have disappeared ☹remember its Thanksgiving & i fear the worst! Then my other neighbor sends a picture- Laverne is back in our yard but- without Shirley 😭😭 so I am now Laverne Mom🥰 no chicken knowledge- my brother has chickens & said this is the place to be for all answers to my questions! 💕 so hello!
Welcome to BYC!!

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