Hello I'm New How Do You Care For Ducks?



May 8, 2021
How do you care for ducks? I don't have any currently but, I would like to get some. Can they eat layer pellets? How many do you have to have? Will a plastic Dollar General swimming pool be okay for them to swim in? How many drakes do you need per hen? Can they live with chickens? What is the best laying breed? Is there any diseases or sicknesses they can easily get? What can you feed and not feed them? What do you give them and not give them when they are sick? Sorry for asking so many questions I just want happy and healthy ducks.
You can keep chickens and ducks together, but there will be problems if there isn't enough space. You need to be generous on that count. Also, ducks are messier than chickens, especially after they swim. Mud is not problem for ducks but it's not good for chickens. So just make sure you have some dry areas for the chickens, and maybe keep the pool in an out of the way corner in the run.

Ducks can eat chicken food, but you're better off buying feed especially formulated for them. It's available. If you don't plan on raising your own then you won't need a drake, but if you plan on it a drake can cover a lot of hens. The larger the breed, the less hens he can cover-- lightweight breeds can take up to 8 hens per drake and not have fertility issues.

The breed you choose is up to you. Welsh harlequins, Khaki Campbells, Magpie ducks, and runner ducks are all great layers of medium size. Some of the heavier breeds lay well, too. Do some research before choosing. Feathersite has a duck page that lists all the breeds and characteristics of those breeds, along with photos.

In general, ducks are more hardy and resistant to disease than chickens. Make sure their drinking water is changed daily (along with necessary cleaning) and the pool should be cleaned and filled with fresh water often, too. Both will need sanitizing with a bleach solution about once every week. Also, always feed fresh food, never anything spoiled, and that goes for chickens, too. Don't chance it.
Thank you. Would the chickens hurt them or will the ducks hurt the chickens?
Sometimes both. Ducks may peck/stomp on the chickens, or the chickens my peck. I have my chickens and ducks together. They do peck each other, but it isn't too bad. They're all right now. I recently did put ducklings in with the ducks, but the male stomps on them and pecks them, so I'll have t move them. If you want, you can see how the ducks and chickens together goes, but don't do ducks and ducklings

also it's usually the male that's aggressive. not so much the females. they kinda just quack at them and walk away lol
How do you care for ducks? I don't have any currently but, I would like to get some. Can they eat layer pellets? How many do you have to have? Will a plastic Dollar General swimming pool be okay for them to swim in? How many drakes do you need per hen? Can they live with chickens? What is the best laying breed? Is there any diseases or sicknesses they can easily get? What can you feed and not feed them? What do you give them and not give them when they are sick? Sorry for asking so many questions I just want happy and healthy ducks.
They're pretty easy, just messy which causes them to be smelly. Just give them a good amount of space, food, and a water source. I suggest getting one (water source) that won't splash, otherwise it'll get messy/smelly. You can DIY one. Just get a Home Depot bucket or something, cut out a hole that's larger than their heads, but not too large (Sand down the edges, too!) and make sure they can reach it, and then fill it up! Splash proof :D. Yeah, they can eat layer pellets. Chicken layer pellets are fine for them. I recommend a minimum of at LEAST 2 so they don't get lonely. I'd suggest an even number of ducks, but it's ok if you don't get an even number too. (Pool) Sure, as long as it's large enough. I got my ducks a doggy pool, but before that they had like a super small bucket thing that was like 1/4 of a foot deep lol. as long as they can bathe in it. Deepness doesn't matter, just make sure they can kinda dunk their heads so they can wash themselves. My doggy pool is one foot deep and they love it lol. Probably one drake to 4 females so they drakes don't fight. I have one male with 2 females, and that's fine too except one female kinda gets left out, but she still hangs out with 'em. I answered the chicken question separately, so you can go look at that. I totally suggest khaki campbells for laying ducks. Pekins are fine but they're not as energetic as khaki's! well, that's the case for me, at least. Not so sure about sicknesses, but look out for sticky eye(fur/skin surrounding the eye just gets kinda crusty and the eyes get watery; just gotta wash the crust away and ur good), and coccidiosis (parasite, treat with Amprolium). Um tbh i don't really know this one but I just feed poultry feed and leftovers which usually consists of vegetable and rice. Explained the medicine part already. And don't be sorry! It's ok to ask questions. It makes you look better, too! All you want is a good flock :) I hope your flock does well!
How do you care for ducks? I don't have any currently but, I would like to get some. Can they eat layer pellets? How many do you have to have? Will a plastic Dollar General swimming pool be okay for them to swim in? How many drakes do you need per hen? Can they live with chickens? What is the best laying breed? Is there any diseases or sicknesses they can easily get? What can you feed and not feed them? What do you give them and not give them when they are sick? Sorry for asking so many questions I just want happy and healthy ducks.
3 to five hens per drake. I have Rouens and Khaki Campbell's, KC are the best layers. Are a bit standoffish. Very smart great foragers. Ducks are MESSY. Pools work. They will be dirty in 5 minutes. Sick? Nope their body temperature is higher than chickens. I have fixed a broken leg though. I feed flock raiser, I have 19 ducks, 2 geese, 53 chickens.
3 to five hens per drake. I have Rouens and Khaki Campbell's, KC are the best layers. Are a bit standoffish. Very smart great foragers. Ducks are MESSY. Pools work. They will be dirty in 5 minutes. Sick? Nope their body temperature is higher than chickens. I have fixed a broken leg though. I feed flock raiser, I have 19 ducks, 2 geese, 53 chickens.
Layer isn't good for Drake's though too much calcium for them, Don't use medicated chick feed, really causes leg problems. Get a raising ducks book, lot of good info at TSC.

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