Hello!~I'm S.Korean Breeder nice to meet you.

from California!! Your birds are beautiful! I wish I could have a longcrower but when I showed my husband a video of one crowing he told me I was nuts. I think he's just afraid it would outcrow his roosters!
Hi. I'm originally from Japan. So, your birds names are so familiar to me.
And your birds are beautiful. I love your Totenko
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Ya know I've just got to tell you all. Sometimes in my job I see the worst of people. And you start to think that is all there is anymore. But then I come to this site and this thread has got to be the longest hello I have ever read. It really reminds me that there are some great folks still out there.
Lee, welcome to you and your beautiful birds. You are most welcome here. You are going to love these people.

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