Hello, I'm Sadie from Ireland!

Hello and Welcome, Sadie! Guest House, Sculpting, Chickens, and special needs family care must make you a very busy person. And if you need to put your feet up at any point and let someone else take care of things for an hour or two, I hope there is someone that can do that for you. I could send my clone, it might be appropriate!

I give you all my very best!
Thanks so much Eurochook! Great name by the way 😁 I am lucky that my youngest can mainly take care of himself. I am just meds & finance monitor, chef, shopper, admin, and alarm clock. Sculpting has gone by the wayside in favour of gardening and guesthouse.... Busy enough alright! I do get to go out the odd time for sure. I never go away but if I did, I have wonderful neighbours who owe me a few weeks chook and cat watching! Appreciate your thoughtful reply, thank you 🤗
Hellooo Burnt Brass! Thanks for the welcome! (I am reminded here to change my username. Perhaps Sadie the mad cat lady? 😉)
Whatever name you like. Sadie from Ireland, Sadie the mad cat lady, just Sadie, or whatever you think suits you the best. ☺️ I should change mine now that I've retired. I was using my radio call sign for every login name. 🤷‍♀️

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