Hello.. just searching for information.


Hello, so sorry about your loss. Whenever you need help, someone will always be here to answer any questions you may have.

Best wishes.
Thank you for you kindness. Leon was the best of men and we were very happy for 44 yrs. We finally retired in 2016 and the only thing we couldn't predict was what happened. He thought I'd give away the chickens, but I am determined to keep them and learn all I can. I am a natural student and this is my first real challenge with our little flock.
Hello Kathymary and welcome to BYC! :frow

Definitely wait until all wounds have healed before putting them back in the flock. Chickens tend to go right after wounds and weaker birds. And she needs to be introduced slowly. What I usually do with sick or injured birds is cage them within the flock. The flock sees them, can't touch them and the flock is more accepting when they are ready to return to the flock.

Good luck with your flock and welcome to ours!

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