Hello! Let's see if I can properly introduce myself. ;)


5 Years
Feb 27, 2014
First of all, I am not new to chickens. I've been around them my whole life pretty much. I AM new to BYC though and happy to be a member!

We live on a farm in Missouri. My husband, myself and our three kiddos. That's minus all the animals though, lol! We have, I think 20 chickens right now. The two main breeds being Barred Rocks and Silver Laced Wyandottes. Not sure that's spelled correctly.... In addition to those we have some Rouen ducks, royal palm turkeys and soon some blue slates. I'm also looking into expanding my chicken breeds because, as I'm sure you all know, you can't have too many chickens.... Am I right?? I have a homemade incubator set up and running right now testing out my first batch. We were really successful with it last year but this year isn't looking so well. I'm not sure what's up but about half our eggs turned out to be quitters on us. Crossing our fingers on the other half! Maybe this crazy weather though,who knows? But any that hatch is a success!

So, I'm going to head on over and check out some of these threads on here! I'm nosey like that, lol! Thanks for such an awesome site!
Thank you all so much!

Chickencanoe, I'm in the southeast area around Farmington. I see yours says your in St Louis! I know where that is!
Thank you all so much!

Chickencanoe, I'm in the southeast area around Farmington. I see yours says your in St Louis! I know where that is!

When I was growing up, my family had a farm in the middle of the triangle of Fredericktown, Farmington and Ironton near Roselle. I have 2 sisters outside Bonne Terre.
I don't know how long you've lived there but when I was a kid, Fredericktown and Farmington were the same size. Wowza, did Farmington grow since then.
Thank you all again! You're so great and welcoming!

I've been here my whole life. I remember when Farmington was mostly fields and where the walmart supercenter currently sits, you'd see big round bales of hay waiting to be picked up. Now it's just shops and even a new access to the highway there, whoa!!! So I know what you mean.... Farmington is so huge now it boggles my mind!

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