Hello New from SC


Jul 31, 2023
Conway SC
Hello, my name is Jamie. I'm not new to chickens but it's been a while. Growing up my family never had any, but we had lots of family friends with farms. I loved going in the coops playing with the chickens and collecting eggs. When I was 20 I got my first two hens (Blackie, a barred rock and Red, a Rhode island red). I raised them in the house until they were too big, then they just lived in the yard. I had to re home them when our property management changed and we had to move. Ever since I've been trying to get to a place in my life where I could have my own little flock. I've read books and researched different breeds, I helped my boyfriend's parents build their flock and coop.
I'm now almost 42 and starting a flock of my own. I just got 9 created cream legbars. I did a ton of research and really wanted an auto sexing breed. I was prepared to wait a long time, none of my local feed stores had ever seen that specific breed. I wanted to have my coop and run built before bringing any babies home. Well, the powers that be had other plans. I'm in my local feed store every week to get supplies for the rodents I keep and breed. My boyfriend got to the chicks before me and called me to hurry. There they were! A straight run mix of little cream legbars and prairie bluebells. We had a short discussion which ended with me bringing home my first 5, a week later I went back for 4 more 🤣
I love chickens. They are one of the most versatile animals, they give you eggs and meat, feathers and pest control. They are definitely smarter than people give them credit for. My little roo Roberto comes running up to me every time I go to the brooder, he hops into my hand and will climb my arm to perch on my shoulder.
I do a lot of arts and crafts, along with some building. I've done caging for our rodents and reptiles. I'm currently doing 3D printing while building the run for my chicks. We keep and breed an assortment of rodents, reptiles and insects. I hope to add a freeze dryer to our home soon, so I can make treats for all my animals. I also do baking, when the weather permits (can't use the oven if the house is over 80°).
We also have two cats who are as different as night and day and one 7 month old puppy. We run a home business supplying reptile food in our area. It's my boyfriend, my daughter and myself. We hope to one day open a brick and mortar store. I also work part time in a chain pet store. Most of the time it's great, but I'm always pushing people to do research before getting an animal.
I heard about BYC through my chicken research, it's always popping up when I'm looking for more information on something. You never stop learning and I'm constantly searching topics I missed or have forgotten. I finally decided to join because sometimes I'd like to be involved in some of the topics to help myself and others learn.
I'm sure this is long enough 🤣 so I'll end for now. I look forward to learning and talking chicken to people who also want to talk chicken 🤣😂🤣
Thank you all. This is my little flock, and Roberto roosting on my arm.



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