
In the Brooder
May 24, 2021
Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
We just built a cute little farmhouse on 4 acres surrounded by trees and a gorgeous creek!

Someone gave me 4 austrolorps 3 chickens and a mean ass rooster, who acts like he is going to eat us and chases my 6 yr old human son around our property in his underwear. ( I keep telling him to put clothes on because NO ONE wants to die at the hands of a mean rooster in their underwear)
I’m pretty sure the rooster has some form of dementia. He will eat out of your hand one minute and 5 minutes later acts like he doesn’t know who you are and you are some form of predator.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?

I bought 14 baby chicks who lived in my new mudroom for a few months but thankfully are now outside in their new house .. my better half really was not very happy about them living in our house.

(3) What breeds do you have?
Easter eggers
A super cool Frizzle named Paquita ballerina..too adorable to be a boy (or so I thought) ..Who has now turned out to be a rooster named Paquita ballerina, who comes when I call him. He knows his name.. so I can’t change it now 🤣

(4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?
They are mesmerizing to watch.. I lose a lot of time because of them.. they are comical. They make it so that I don’t get a lot done and chicken math is a REAL problem. Some of them are way smarter than others, I’m pretty sure I way more roosters than I will ever want or need. I think even some of my sexed ones may be roosters 😳

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?
CHICKEN WATCHING.. my goats stand at the gate feeling ignored
I honestly never EVER thought I would love the chickens as much as I do.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.

I am a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer and work at a big hospital in North Atlanta.
I have 4 children between the ages of 6-17
3 girls and the youngest is a boy.
4 Nigerian dwarf does
2 Nigerian dwarf bucks
14 chickens-who all pile into one nesting box-hilarious.. it’s like a clown car in there
2 ducks
6 lionhead dwarf bunnies..(6 too many.. but so sweet) let me know if you are looking for a bunny

A very sweet fiancé who puts up with all of us and our little farm shenanigans!

Two gorgeous Great Pyrenees that protect all of us and take their job VERY seriously.
Looking for a Gypsy Vanner horse or other draft horse if you have any available, please let me know!
(7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community?
My Friend suggested you because I have no idea what I am doing..


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I absolutely LOVED meeting you through your intro. My mom taught me that one of the most valuable tools in life is a good sense of humor, and you obviously have that.

We have lots in common (although your new house is clearly in much better shape than my 100-plus-year-old farmhouse). I have had miniature goats for many years, HAD a Great Pyrenees (sweetest, most beautiful dog -- but a livestock guardian failure), have ducks, had bunnies (still do, if you count the little rascals who eat my perennial flowers and veggie garden plants), am looking forward to moving the last of the brooder babies outdoors and can spend way too much time watching chickens.

This is a generous group who enjoys helping novice chicken owners learn the ropes. Ask anything, and someone here likely has the answer. Welcome to BYC! Thanks for sharing those photos, and I hope we can help you take the best possible care of your chicks!

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