hello new member in Mi

Hi - I am a new member from Maryland. My family started owning chickens 3 years ago with an Americauna rooster that one of our friends gave to us because he was getting beat up by the other rooster over at their house. Soon after, my 11 year old daughter then joined 4H and bought 8 pullets. Now we have 27 hens, 7 turkeys, 36 broilers and 38 silkie eggs in our incubator. Never thought it would turn into this just with that one rooster. What can we say, the original rooster was very snuggly and interesting to watch.

I joined Backyard Chickens this summer but have never officially introduced myself. So hello to all the Backyard Chicken Members.

Welcome to the land of addiction...I mean chickens & such!

It's a great place!

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