Hello! North Silver Spring, MD


6 Years
Apr 24, 2014
Silver Spring, MD
Hello! Just about to join the fray and get our own flock of chickens... We live in north Silver Spring, near Burtonsville. Any neighbors in the area on here? Would love to have some local contacts with chicken knowledge!

Husband and I are just finishing a beautiful coop... he built it over the weekend. No birds, yet, but hoping to pick up some this weekend, and also hatching a few in the next few weeks.

Looking forward to this adventure!

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Hello! Just about to join the fray and get our own flock of chickens... We live in north Silver Spring, near Burtonsville. Any neighbors in the area on here? Would love to have some local contacts with chicken knowledge!

Husband and I are just finishing a beautiful coop... he built it over the weekend. No birds, yet, but hoping to pick up some this weekend, and also hatching a few in the next few weeks.

Looking forward to this adventure!

Wow! Beautiful coop your hubby built! As for your location you didn't say what state you're in, and your avatar doesn't say either....where is Silver Spring????
Ah-HA!! Maryland!!
Nice to meet you! I live in Central Oregon...all the way across the map...eek! Best of luck in your venture with chickens!!

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