Hello ya’ll


In the Brooder
Jul 10, 2022
Hello fellow chicken folks!

I currently live in SoCal and have a little mini farm….3 dogs, 3 mini donkeys, 5 horses, and 25+ chickens. I swore I’d never have chickens, but after seeing all the beautiful breeds, I started with 2 gold laced Wyandottes, 2 silver laced wyandottes, 2 lavender orpingtons, and a BCM. The addiction then brought in EE’s, Australorps, and some seramas. Full size :25 hens and 3 Roos. Seramas: 3 roos, 6 hens and they all get along beautifully.

I started with 1 BCM rooster, but I started to feel like he was being run ragged trying to keep up with all the hens. I had read that it is possible to have more than 1 roo, so I decided to add 1 more. However, I couldn’t decide between an Ayam Cemani or a lavender Orpington roo, and the breeder told me my flock could handle 3, so I got both.

My BCM definitely has his flock and favorites, the AC has a different flock, and the LO has …me. Yes, he follows me everywhere, waits for me at the windows and doors, and doesn’t give a care to many of the hens. Why???? On occasion, he has tried to mate with my tiny chickens which makes my husband very angry. He doesn’t get farther than pecking the feathers on the back of their necks.

My dilemma recently is that my BCM has just completely worn some of my hens backs/wings completely raw. I’ve had to sew saddles but I’ve really only had 1 hen regrow feathers and it’s been monthssss. I think I have too many Roos, but I can’t decide whether to part with the LO or BCM. LO let’s me pick him up and sits on my chair. BCM doesn’t attack but also is not friendly at all.

Advice?…please and thanks!

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