

In the Brooder
Jan 13, 2016
New here, from Arizona and looking for some good info before I jump in and get over my head! I'm interested in having maybe two hens for egg laying.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

You have come to the right place for all the fun and learning!

You might start in our learning center. All kinds of great articles to help you get started, from raising the chicks, building the coop, and keeping your adult flock happy and healthy....https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center

While many people have their favorite breeds, I am especially fond of the Orpingtons (Black Australorps and Buff Orpingtons). Both of these are very friendly, great layers and over all a healthy sturdy breed. My Black Aussies are huge on lap sitting and just beg for the attention and lovin'. Excellent layers long into life.

Feel free to browse our forums, ask any questions you may have and good luck on this new chicken journey!! :)
Hello and welcome to BYC!!!
I hope you enjoy it! Follow TwoCrows advice and you'll soon find your way around. I haven't got my chickens yet but I'm going for Buff Orpingtons.
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so glad you have joined us and good luck with your planning.

I would suggest you consider starting with 3 or 4 - they are happier in flocks, and it gives you a buffer in case you do have a problem drawing a rooster or an unexpected loss.

If you have a means to brood baby chicks - do consider it, they grow up fast, but there's a special fun to see those early milestones.
Howdy Patchouli and Welcome to BYC!

I just wanted to echo sunflour’s advice on considering 3 or 4 to start with. I started with only 2 pullets and sadly, one passed away leaving one on her own. She was very sad and I had to dash out and find her a companion quickly; lucky I was able to do that. So yep, that buffer is an excellent idea.

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