

In the Brooder
Jul 2, 2022
I've been lurking on this site for a while now for mot of my chicken care, and finally decided to join the community!
Ive been raising backyard chickens for close to seven years now, and I adore my ladies and their quirks. Recently, I decided to start raising ducks, so I'll definitely be poking around the duck side of this community soon.

Now here's a wee little context behind my username. Little Redd Burd is the nickname of one of my rhode island reds, the snallest of my flock and probably the one with the most tenacity I have ever seen in a chicken (her legal bird name is Ripley, a namesake from Aliens, which she earned at a wee young age after snatching a wasp out of the air. I think she grew into her name very well.) Love her to bits, and shes so sweet to us and keep my sunflower patch free of beetles.

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