
Just an update: all four were roosters (and a little older than I thought), and today they went to a local rancher who'd ordered a bunch of chicks from a hatchery, expecting a couple would turn out to be boys. None of them did, so they needed roosters almost as much as my boys needed a home! Sheer luck I met this guy, and it worked out perfectly for everyone. 🥰
Sorta new, I've haunted this site before for fun, but now I have my own chicks and have questions... I'm cheating by using the template. :)

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes, got my first ones a couple of months ago as babies.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now? Five.

(3) What breeds do you have? EE mutts, all adorable so far.

(4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens? They're fun to watch and pretty much as easy to care for as my cats!

(5) What are some of your other hobbies? Knitting, sewing, cat herding.

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share. Retired, live alone with cats and now chickens. My sister had chickens before, never expected to have my own because "too much trouble", but here we are...

(7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community? :D

Found BYC years ago when my sister started raising chickens. She lives in another state now so I can't just run to her for help, so finally decided to stop simply scrolling and start participating. Probably not gonna be very helpful, since there aren't many questions I can answer, but I certainly have plenty of my own!
Welcome to BYC!! EEs for me are some of the most personality-filled hens I’ve ever had! I’m glad you enjoy yours!
Welcome to BYC!! EEs for me are some of the most personality-filled hens I’ve ever had! I’m glad you enjoy yours!
Thanks! Sadly after re-homing extra cockerels I only have 1 EE pullet plus 1 cockerel (wanted a roo so I could let them free range now and then). But raising six(!) SL Wyandotte chicks from TSC now. Wasn't willing to take a chance on more boys, all they had this late in the "chick season" were Wyandottes, and the minimum here is six. Fortunately I have plenty of takers for extra eggs!

I think the two EEs will mix well with the Wyandottes: from what I've read they're pretty similar in temperament so ought to be great fun!
Thanks! Sadly after re-homing extra cockerels I only have 1 EE pullet plus 1 cockerel (wanted a roo so I could let them free range now and then). But raising six(!) SL Wyandotte chicks from TSC now. Wasn't willing to take a chance on more boys, all they had this late in the "chick season" were Wyandottes, and the minimum here is six. Fortunately I have plenty of takers for extra eggs!

I think the two EEs will mix well with the Wyandottes: from what I've read they're pretty similar in temperament so ought to be great fun!
Cool! We’ve had bad luck with Wyandottes. On the case of us not getting GLW in a chick order and the SLW we had dying. :(

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