

In the Brooder
8 Years
May 22, 2011
Corsicana, TX
Hi, my name is Lori. Just joined not too long ago. My parents and grandparents had chickens when I was a kid. And I have been wanting to get myself some for awhile now. Well, I finally did it!
I have 22 total chicks (2 are bantams that belong to my nephew). I am pretty sure 12 are leghorns (6 white & 6 exchequer). I am not sure yet about the others, though. I think some are going to be black australorps. The rest have me completely stumped. Soon hopefully it will be easy to tell. I love my little chickens; they are so fun to watch!

Also, I am the proud moma of 6 guineas keets, 4 turkey poults, 5 ducklings (2 khaki campbells?, a Muscovy?, & a crested) & 1 gray toulouse gosling. Also have a 1 yr old gray toulouse goose, Goosy Loosy & a 1 yr old blue Swede duck, Ms. Grey. And miss my other babies terribly--Punk duck (crested), Mr. & Mrs. Mallard, Dot (a black Swede), baby goose (my dog killed it wad about 2 mos but he hasn't ever touched another one after that day) & Daphne (my beautiful white goose-it was very territorial & was a very good guard goose-unfortunately no match for coyotes). And then baby Fluff who died two days ago.

I love my babies! They so much fun to watch and take care of. Haven't had them too long yet but I truly enjoy them. Very stress-relieving!!
Thanks! Added some more bannies this afternoon... And the babies got a taste of some watermelon. The chicks gobbled it up, but the others didn't even try it!

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