

6 Years
Jan 17, 2014

My name is Michelle and our family started with chickens this summer my youngest son wanted a chicken for his birthday my brother gave him a rooster and after that we started our flock of "our girlies" as I like to call the hens got started. We have in our flock a good mixture of hens we have a golden comet she you can tell is the head hen and then we have a hen that is a saipan and rhode island red mix she is the second in line they prefer to stay together, we had two of the saipan mixs but sadly a predator got her,and then to replace her we got an araucana but she passed away too. So to replace her we got two amercaunas they like to hang out to themselves. A few weeks ago sadly our rooster passed away he was an older fellow and yesterday we got a new rooster. He is a cross between a dominique and rhode island red he is a pretty boy. This morning we had to put the two older girls together in the smaller coop we have and the younger ones the americaunas and our newer rooster together, they were so happy then and I was glad to see that. Our golden comet and the saipan our are egg layers right now the americaunas havent started laying yet so we are happy to be getting 2 eggs a day. We really love and enjoy our little flock its fun to watch them and fun to learn more about chickens for us .
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Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sounds like you have a pretty little flock there, hope your Ameraucanas start laying you pretty blue/green eggs soon. Sorry about the chicks you have lost.
thank you I will have to get some udated pictures of our flock now since most of the pictures I have do have the ones we have lost I need to get some of the newest of the gang =) They are fun to watch to see how they interact too
Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you.

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