
I want to learn more about chickens, i have 3 ameraucanas right now

Our Ameraucanas (actually ours are Easter Eggers as true Ameraucanas are relatively rare and expensive, and lay only blue eggs) are my granddaughter's (pictured in my avatar) favorite chickens. She loves the different colored eggs that they lay. Good luck with your flock.
Our Ameraucanas (actually ours are Easter Eggers as true Ameraucanas are relatively rare and expensive, and lay only blue eggs) are my granddaughter's (pictured in my avatar) favorite chickens. She loves the different colored eggs that they lay. Good luck with your flock.
thanks. i dont know if they are ameraucanas or easter eggers.
thanks. i dont know if they are ameraucanas or easter eggers.

You're welcome. If they came from a feed store, tractor supply, or hatchery (unless they came from Meyer and their feathers are blue), they are Easter Eggers. If the seller spelled them any way but Ameraucana (example: Americana or Americauna), they are Easter Eggers. If the color pattern of their feathers are not all the same, they're Easter Eggers. If their legs are any color but slate blue, they are Easter Eggers. If their eggs are any color (green, blue-green, olive, beige, etc.) but pure blue, they are Easter Eggers. There is a good article at http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2011/09/ameraucana-easter-egger-or-araucana.html explaining the difference between Ameraucanas, Araucanas, and Easter Eggers.

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