

In the Brooder
May 14, 2015
Deep in the heart of texas
My name is Bodee and I am new to the BYC. I have a OEGB chick. I am a kid right now but I would like a flock of my own. My mom is on BYC a lot and we have really learned a lot and we have lots of different kinds of chickens, ducks, and geese. and I would like to be a Golden Feather one day.
Hello Bodee!

Welcome to BYC and the coop! There's a lot of great peeps here! Feel free to ask lots of questions. But most of all, make yourself at home. I'm so glad you decided to joined the BYC family. :frow
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Welcome. This is a great place to get all kinds of information to help you with your chick. You can ask any question you have and there are lots of topics to read about on stuff people have had problems or questions on. You can find all kinds of topics in the "forum" section. Best of luck!

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