Help:16 week old rooster, paralysis that comes and goes, constipation


In the Brooder
Aug 9, 2019
Hello all,

My 16 week old ayam cemani rooster has paralysis in one leg and cannot put weight on it. The extent of the paralysis varies. He was immobile early in the day yesterday, but able to walk, get himself around and put weight on the leg by late afternoon. This morning, he is back to not being able to put weight on it. He also appears to have constipation and digestive issues. His body seems to make growling and farting kind if noises, which seem to be painful for him, and when he poops, he has to strain a lot and not much comes out. Yesterday, he seemed to be doing better in terms of paralysis after he pooped a lot (I wasn't home then, so couldn't observe). He also seems to have some pain when he eats, and flutters around. He hasn't eaten a lot.
I have him quarantined from other chickens, who do not show any signs of sickness. I am giving him electrolytes and vitamins in water, and a mash of feed in water, or some bread. It seems like the water he drank last night is still sitting in his crop. When I tried to feed him, he seemed to be having some trouble and when his crop seemed to be still holding water, I stopped feeding him, until he pooped and emptied his crop. Some of his poop looks normal, and other times, it's very white and pale green. He is generally alert, and interested in eating at times if I hold it in my hand. His vent looks fine. Comb looks a little pale, with a few white spots, from what I can see with the dark pigment. We have had a lot of rain in Virginia, and had to throw out a lit of feed, so I am wondering if it is related to that.
Also, he had a limp many weeks ago, but no physical signs of injury. It seemed to get better on it's on. Then, yesterday, I found him with the leg paralyzed.

I called a local vet, and they said they couldn't help, unless it is an injury. They thought it might be Marek's.

I am so sad, and would really like to help this beautiful boy get better. Any thoughts on what may be happening, and treatments would be deeply appreciated.
It does sound like he might have Mareks with the paralysis and at his age. Sometimes with Mareks, they can experience a transient temporary paralysis that lasts several days, then goes away, only to return later. Was he vaccinated for Mareks? Have you added any new birds in the last few months? With Mareks there can be some many different symptoms, depending on the strain, the amount of exposure, the age, and if they had a vaccine. Mareks can affect the crop function as well as the digestion (gizzard and intestines.) I would try to make him rest the leg and help him get fed and watered, start him on some B complex vitamins, and see if he improves. The best way to diagnose Mareks is with a necropsy by your state vet or poultry lab. Most labs are open M-F, and the refrigerated body has to be delivered or shipped overnight via UPS or Fedex. Here is a link to finding your state vets:

This is an excellent article with Mareks info:
Dear Eggcessive,

Thank you so much for the response. I've found it very helpful. I have him in the house, resting the leg, and with vitamins in water. Because he has trouble with digestion, I'm giving him bread soaked in water instead of regular mash.
I got him from a poultry swap along with three other chicks. I don't think he was vaccinated for Marek's.
I would feed him soaked chicken feed rather than bread, since it can get stuck in the crop, and may add to crop disorders. Unfortunately, Mareks is pretty much everywhere in the world. I have never seen it in my chickens, even though some of mine are not vaccinated. I hope that he gets better.
Thank you so much, once again. I did switch him to feed and he seems to like it a lot more. I do hope he recovers. I am also glad that you have not had to deal with Marek's in your flock!

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