Help!!! 1st time raising a chick


9 Years
Feb 15, 2010
ok what is the cheap way to water and feed a lone chick? without it drowning and getting the feed all over the place. and what do i feed it when its only a couple of days old?
i get stones (nice size so they dont eat them ) out of my driveway and wash them,then put them in a saucer and put water in it.i feed mine medicated chick starter...
ive got the same problem and cant find a chick near me so i put a stuffed animal and a mirror in the brooder and she seems hoping to put her in with my seramas when she gets a bit bigger.
thank you for all of your suggestions. well as for the social part, after school, if they have the kind of breeds that we want, then i get a chicken and she gets a duck so i hope thatll keep them satisfied.
she's a chicken not a parakeet

It still works in a pinch. You might check CL and the feed stores in your area and see if you can get another day old chick though since it really will do better with a friend.
she's a chicken not a parakeet

It still works in a pinch. You might check CL and the feed stores in your area and see if you can get another day old chick though since it really will do better with a friend.

I didn't know that, thanks
Also, many areas have agricultural newspaper/journals that specifically target farmers, ranchers, etc. You can find them in feed stores; ours shows up in our ACE Hardware because it doubles as a coop and feed store. You might even place your own ad for chick companions.


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