HELP! 2 wk old call duck gasping


10 Years
Feb 12, 2009
Western North Carolina
My 2 week old grey call duck seems to be gasping with every breath. She still eats and drinks and runs around with the others. Her poop is normal. What can I give her? You can hear each breath too. They are on pine bedding, getting the proper food and plenty of water. Any suggestions?

Oh and she doesn't seem to be growing like the others either. She is very tiny.
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Im sorry i don't know how to help you... do you think maybe he has a piece of pine shavings stuck in his throat? I hope someone on here will havo help for you... I hope he will be ok
I too had the panting issue so I just popped the panters into a bath and they cooled right down. Also had a gurgling deal once, ducky was eating pine bedding, we had to use a straw to put water down her throat to get the shavings through.

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