help! 2 young roos enamored with OLD BO!

Personally, I'd leave her in the coop for company. And the other poster is quite right, if she is outdoors, keep an eye out for maggots.
she looked pretty good this morning, the wound looks like it's healing, no maggots.
phew! I left her in the crate. she didn't eat much yesterday but she ate pretty good today. when I put the neosporin on and pushed the comb back so it stuck, I could see that the whole comb is there, it's just like it's peeled off sort of. just halfway. this is probably a stupid question
but will it ever look normal again? could I get stitches in it? (probably big bucks) or can I wrap her head and comb in that vet wrap? I think that's what it's called. anyway, it's just for aesthetics and even if it's flopping, I love her anyway.
thanks for all your great responses!

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