Help! 3-4 day old Chick gagging??


Feb 11, 2019
we just got some new day old babies on Saturday. They’ve been doing well until this evening one of them started gagging. Doesn’t seem to be sleeping or eating or drinking. She will rest if you hold her but as soon as she goes back in she’s back to the gagging.
Just wondering if anyone has experience with this and what we can do to help her out.
It’s not really eating or drinking on its own. My daughter has been putting food in its mouth and giving water with a dropper. They are on shavings for bedding.
we just got some new day old babies on Saturday. They’ve been doing well until this evening one of them started gagging. Doesn’t seem to be sleeping or eating or drinking. She will rest if you hold her but as soon as she goes back in she’s back to the gagging.
Just wondering if anyone has experience with this and what we can do to help her out.

It’s not really eating or drinking on its own. My daughter has been putting food in its mouth and giving water with a dropper. They are on shavings for bedding.
Can you take a video of the chick's actions? Upload it to youtube, then provide us a link.
Photos of your brooder, the chick standing by itself and it's poop would be good too.

Is the chick's crop full?
Is it pooping?

I don’t have a picture of the brooder but it’s an old pack n play with a heat lamp. We used the same set up last year and had no issues.
She is gasping.
How does her crop feel?
She may be too warm, have you moved her where it's a bit cooler to see if that helps.
Look inside the beak to make sure there's no obstructions.

I would be very careful putting food/water in her beak, she can aspirate fluids.
You can drip water beside her beak to see if she will take it in.
I would be very careful putting food/water in her beak, she can aspirate fluids.
You can drip water beside her beak to see if she will take it in.
Did gasping start before or after squirting water into mouth?
I use a soaked qtip held against side of beak to give fluids.
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