Help! A Yellow Golden Pheasant moved into my yard.


Oct 28, 2015
A few days ago a Yellow Golden Pheasant appeared in my yard and has not left (.75 acres in Northern California.) I checked with the neighbors and can't find the owner. I had planned on raising chickens and peafowls in the future, I guess this is my start. He, I am assuming he is male due to his bright plumage and long tail, seems content exploring and feeding in my yard. I have put out H2O for him and given him wild bird seed, which he likes. I have many potential predators in my area. What kind of aviary should I build for him? What should I feed him? Is it OK to let him roam free in the day and put him up for the night (he responds to voice commands)?
Can you catch him??? Most pheasants I heard about were kept in total enclosures to keep from escaping. If he is a wild one, then he eventually will fly off. After you would catch him and had an aviary for him, I think first chance to escape, he would take it. As for predators, he should be able to take care of himself as his wild brothers do. Is he in a tree right now or does he stay on the ground all the time.???

Wishing you best and
He is not wild. He will come up to within a foot of me, on his own. I think I could catch him, if needed. He actually responds to voice commands, so I know he is domesticated. He has made it up to my roof of the house, and can jump/fly about 6 feet. He spends most of his time on the ground and my back deck railing. he seems to be able to take care of himself, but I was wondering if I should put him in a covered enclosure at night. I have some feral cats and a skunk who like to hang out on my property.
Sounds like it is someones pet. Most likely he did not travel far. Maybe ask around and try to find his owner. Remember that you can always start your hobby when you have all bird housing in place. If you did find his owner,maybe you would be able to get some baby pheasants to train yourself.

More then likely someone lost him.They are not wild anywhere.They are friendly birds though.I covered pen is need to keep them,either wood,metal,netting or wire on the top.I like solid material as it hides them from the sky predators.He needs a gamebird feed,they really don't do to good with just layer pellets or cracked corn.They love fruits,veggies,peanuts(unsalted only)mealworms,crickets,millet,black oil sunflower.I've enclosed pics of my pens.Now wait until you see all the other pheasant species.
In N.H.,Tony.
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Wow! they are beautiful. I am going to keep looking for this one's owner, but in the mean time try to build it a covered enclosure. I will also get it some game bird feed. Thanks for the info and pics

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