Help! Aggressive male quail!

Hrm, I kicked a buff Orpingtons' rooster once that would attack me when I went to collect eggs. It straightened him out, maybe it would work with quail too.
haha! Well, maybe I will give "The Quailtrifuge" a try tomorrow. A gentle version of it. At first, I thought that you were yanking my chain because I am a newbie ! ;-) @ farmerjane65 - I do have another cage - but it wouldn't be predator proof at night. I have put him in it during the day, and it hasn't changed the behavior. But I will give this idea more thought. Thanks, people.
@ Dragons4u - quail are really small and fragile - I think that kicking him would kill or severely injure him. If I give up on changing his behavior , I would rather give him to someone who will kill him as quickly and humanely as possible.
Dragons wasn't suggesting you kick the roo...LOL, I did get a visual of him punting a quail har dee har

just that lashing out at the roo will likely make him scared of you, thus reticent to attack you.
im sorry i didnt clarify that i turn the wire basket upside down over him inside his own cage .... he is still with them but cant get to them ... if your cage is large enough for that my basket was only about 9 inches tall and maybe a foot sqare ... kinda like the old gym baskets i had in high school .... graduated in 83 ... anyway it works for me
Well, smack it around a bit if you don't kick it.
farmerjane65 - did you have a quail that was aggressive towards you? Or to other quail? Braveheart is not overly aggressive to other quail - just to us. I suspect that a raccoon has been bothering them at night - it can't get in, but it has him in a state of paranoia and agitation. Unfortunately, there is nothing that I can do about this, as I am not moving the quail to an inside location, and we live in a rural area with a lot of coons, foxes, and even bobcats around. I used to raise chickens, and we lost a hen to a bobcat while the hens were free ranging during the day. Although I felt bad for the poor chicken, it was a pretty amazing sight to see a large bobcat on our property! Anyway, I am open to trying your suggestion. Thanks.
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