Help!!! Agressive Roo...big Daddy...DREW BLOOD PIC. ON 3RD PAGE

Send him to freezer camp. If you can't do it, then find someone who will.

There are far too many NICE roos out there turned into dinner every day because there aren't any homes for them. Why spend time trying to rehab an aggressive boy when you can trade him in for a nice one? At this time of year it should be easy to find a nice tempered, pretty roo to replace him.
i've an odd idea. have you thought about using an "electric dog zapper?" i wonder if a chicken .... it should work. i wonder if it could be affixed to a roo's body?

a spray bottle with 10% ammonia?

maybe if you tied a heavy ball onto his leg or tied his two legs together like a prisoner. this would keep him from running.

Good luck fixing problem. sounds horrible!
Well I do rescue animals, love them...we have 7 dogs, 3 cats, and 4 parrots...and of course all our you can see why the hard time...but my Ma has a roo that was like this, she opened the run up and let him out...darn roo stays alive in the area around all the runs!!! it has been 3mos and some harsh weather!!! He is still around.

I thought of doing this to Big Daddy...and just let him fend for himself, of course I would put feed out for him..and water...but as far as being with the girls...thats what I had come up Im not sure...know something has to be done...
I think it would be kinder to send Big Daddy to freezer camp then let him live a life of isolation.

I think you know what needs to be done, it's just not easy doing what's right.
Be really careful with the wounds- I've had several veteran chicken guys tell me that the spurs are porous and contain an abundance of bacteria. If what you have done hasn't tamed him down any - he may never get better and one day he could possibly take our your eye or hit an artery or vein. I think I would let him go or at the least see about taking off his spurs . Please be careful . My uncle who is almost seventy now got spurred right behind his ear when he was young and the doctor said a little more and it would have killed him. We used to get those leghorn roosters out of the little colored Easter chicks when I was young and we raised them with our regular chickens. We had to kill every one that ever made it to adulthoold because they would attack people.
Well I just read this thread, and I realized that there wasn't any reason to feed the young cockerels any more feed. DH and I just finished culling 3 of the chicks that were very obviously roo's That wasn't easy but there just no point in feeding roo's long enough for them to get big enough to send to freezer camp. This is not the fun part of keeping chickens, but it is a very real part of the process. Roosters just don't make very good pets.
I had the exact same problem! Had 2 roos that i wanted to keep and couldnt make up my mind who I wanted to keep and who I wanted to re-home. Both of them were living in the same coop together with the only gal I ended up with. They were both very sweet and let me pet them and always followed me around when they were free-ranging like lil puppy dogs. Then I finally seperated them and the one I kept turned into a monster! He attacked me when he was out of his pen and attacks me through the wire everytime I walk near his pen. My hubby has to grab him by the feet and he has pecked my hubby a few times but nothing even remotely close to how he attacks me. I will let someone take him for chicken soup after my baby hens get old enough to keep the one gal he is with now company.
Luckily, there are many wonderful roos. I've had BJ roo for something like 8 years now and he is a total doll. Gentle yet brave. Never stops being diligent in the protection of his lady friend. I can hold him, hug him, kiss him, and he patiently endures it. Same with the roos I had before him. Nothing on this earth like a lovely roo. Many others have similar experiences with good roos.
If he's with the hens why don't you put some of the eggs in the bator and work on getting another roo for the girls. If you don't have a bator send some eggs to me and I will do if for you. Then you can do what you want with him. He is beautiful but I had a roo chase my GC around my house. As much as I loved him, he is gone. I won't let anyone get hurt over my chickens. I love my birds but they are birds and if I need to cull one because it's being that mean it's gone. Let me know if you would like to do that and I'm sure there are other people on here that would do it for you also.

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