HELP!!!!!!!!!!! ALL of my hens have stopped laying eggs!

Well, over the last few weeks, I removed two of the four roosters. Within 2 days of separating them from the rest, the ladies started laying regularly again. I guess it was just too stressful for them. A lesson learned and I won't let that happen again. Just happy things have settled down and they are back to their normal happy selves!
if you hen went broody there is a couple of way to break her first is you can give her an ice cold bath ( no soap) second is you can put her in a dog crate for a couple of days but if you do this the crate needs to be out in the yard in the sunlight
I have just noticed the same problem. It is now June and up until a week ago I was getting about 4 eggs a day out of our 5 chickens. Then suddenly.....nothing. They are eating pretty much just Purina Layer feed, they don't seem to be molting (at least I don't see tons of feathers everywhere) and they are all behaving as they usually do. No one seems to be acting sick. No new chickens have been introduced or anything else I can think of that might stress them out. Perhaps something is happening while I'm not around.....

Anyone have any thoughts? Thanks!
HELP! My oldest 2 hens 8mths have stopped laying and squatting & letting me hold or pet them, at the same time?? Anyone know what could be the problem? I have a younger silkie that is still laying, but she hasn't ever squatted for me.
I have a similar problem. Our chicken Ruby molted for the first time this fall. It's now December and not a single egg. The others are laying as much either. We don't think they're eating the eggs, but Ruby was the only one to molt. Help?
I have read repeatedly that it could be nutritional requirements are not being met. I give my flock pellets, supposedly nutritionally balanced, veg and chicken scratch. I hesitate to give them a chemical nutritional supplement, but I'm not sure what else to do. They laid all through the winter with 3 hours of supplemental light. Now nothing. We're still only getting about 12 hours of light a day so I'm just going to wait a bit. They still have lots of energy and seem healthy enough. Any ideas about nutritional supplements???
My hens are a year old. I had 2 go through a mini molt in November and they did not lay all winter. My other girls laid regularly through the winter. One that went through the molt started laying again about a month ago but I still have one that is not laying. Her comb has become redder again and she is squatting when I go near her. Is this normal not to lay for so long. I did also lose a chicken a few weeks ago.
We let our chickens free range during the day and put them in their pen/coupe at night. We are down to 7 chickens now. A predator, we think a hawk or something, got one of them a few weeks ago and it looked like another one barely escaped - her feathers were messed up and she was very skittish. We were already down to 2 or 3 eggs a day but now we haven't had an egg in over three or four weeks. I know a couple of them are molting really bad now but we have never gone this long without an egg. In addition, we have 10 baby chicks now - about 4 weeks old. When it's time to move them outdoors they will be in the same general area. Since I don't know what has caused my older girls to stop laying I am concerned about possibly exposing my babies to something I am not aware of. I am glad to see there are others whose chickens aren't earning their keep but I wish I knew what I could do to start the egg production again.
Help! All of my hens have suddenly stopped laying eggs. I have 21 chickens(including 2 roosters). A few of my hens are old and don't lay anymore, BUT my Silver Laced Wyandotte hens(6 all together),BLRW and a few other mixed breeds don't lay eggs anymore and seem to have no interest in doing so. My chickens are free range,so I thought maybe that they were laying them outside somewhere. I kept my chickens inside the coop for 5 days..and nothing. I thought maybe they were eating their eggs...
so I stayed in the coop as often as I could to catch them laying and take their egg before they had a chance to eat it....and nothing. They weren't even going in the nests! My SLW and BLRW are all young,approximately 1.5 years old. What could be wrong?! This has never happened before. They are fed scratch,laying pellets and scraps(breads,veggies,left over meats etc.). Anyone have any advice or even know what's happening? We are just feeding them and they aren't earning their keep(we don't eat them though,let them die of old age) They are very healthy and beautiful birds(even the old ones). About 6-7 of them went broody this past summer and about 5 or so molted..but that's been all done for weeks now. I don't know what to do..I need their eggs.Thanks in advance! 
I too have about 30 chickens just under 1 yr old. they were laying all winter but sometime near the end of February they all stopped laying during a week long cold snap. I am not sure if i am feeding them enough. I feed them about three coffee cans a day of layer pellets and some days they get table scrap and water every day.not sure what to do

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