Help! All of my hens have suddenly stopped laying eggs. I have 21 chickens(including 2 roosters). A few of my hens are old and don't lay anymore, BUT my Silver Laced Wyandotte hens(6 all together),BLRW and a few other mixed breeds don't lay eggs anymore and seem to have no interest in doing so. My chickens are free range,so I thought maybe that they were laying them outside somewhere. I kept my chickens inside the coop for 5 days..and nothing. I thought maybe they were eating their eggs...
so I stayed in the coop as often as I could to catch them laying and take their egg before they had a chance to eat it....and nothing. They weren't even going in the nests! My SLW and BLRW are all young,approximately 1.5 years old. What could be wrong?! This has never happened before. They are fed scratch,laying pellets and scraps(breads,veggies,left over meats etc.). Anyone have any advice or even know what's happening? We are just feeding them and they aren't earning their keep(we don't eat them though,let them die of old age) They are very healthy and beautiful birds(even the old ones). About 6-7 of them went broody this past summer and about 5 or so molted..but that's been all done for weeks now. I don't know what to do..I need their eggs.Thanks in advance!
so I stayed in the coop as often as I could to catch them laying and take their egg before they had a chance to eat it....and nothing. They weren't even going in the nests! My SLW and BLRW are all young,approximately 1.5 years old. What could be wrong?! This has never happened before. They are fed scratch,laying pellets and scraps(breads,veggies,left over meats etc.). Anyone have any advice or even know what's happening? We are just feeding them and they aren't earning their keep(we don't eat them though,let them die of old age) They are very healthy and beautiful birds(even the old ones). About 6-7 of them went broody this past summer and about 5 or so molted..but that's been all done for weeks now. I don't know what to do..I need their eggs.Thanks in advance!