HELP ASAP! Ducks Hatching Question!! HELP!

Alright, I think I will wait a little bit longer and see what happens. I know it is still peeping and seems vivacious, I mean, as vivacious as a large bird stuck inside an egg for 28 days can be!
I just dont want anything to happen to it.

I had to open the vent a little because the humidity was climbing, which is weird because it has been staying constant the whole time. I figured I will close it later. I dont want it to humid for them

Thank God for ducky mothers who can do this all themselves
right, he is almost inverted in the egg, and in such a way that he cannot get his head back in to get back out if that makes sense.

I think I am going to get my dog incubator out (has temp/humid control) and move that egg into it, just so I can leave the other egg alone. I so hope this bird will be OK!

The other duckling is almost done zipping out of the egg!! I got my first glimpse at it just now, a very spotted black ancona duckling
Alright, we took silkiechickens advice as to astisting a duckling. It was clear this bird was in such a position that it could not complete the hatch. After about 35 minutes of "zipping" the egg for the duckling, it made its triuphant entry into the world!! It just needed a little extra help in loosening the egg shell, and sure enough, it did the trick!!

We have this ducking in a dog incubator- about the size of a microwave with temp/humid control. It is drying out now and streching out. lol poor bird had 6 pairs of eyes staring at it when it entered the world!! Should be friendly
The other egg due to hatch is in the incubator. The egg was misted, and I added some wet paper towels around the egg, to make up for the humid loss when the other egg was removed. We are praying that it will hatch out by morning. (48 hrs) If not, we will be preforming another c-section on an egg

Thanks for everyone's help!! You are AWSOME!
The Ancona hatched on its own this morning! It is drying off now and getting its footing.

The White Appleyard baby that hatched last night is walking around now, all dryed out. Everything is great so far!

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