Help ASAP turkey not acting right !


In the Brooder
Apr 27, 2021
I have a turkey. It's not acting right anytime you touch when you go past its neck on it's back area. It hurts him but you don't see no lumps or anything and he's acting like he's lethargic and extremely tired he keeps staying in the corner. I've tried Thailand I've also have tried other antibiotics and it don't work and has his neck weird. I need answers ASAP. I don't want to lose him .


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Welcome to BYC. Do you have a sick turkey?
I did. Two of my three poults did not make it. :/ Trying to learn as much as possible. Also thought it would be okay to ask OP if hers is doing better. Apparently that was a no no, though since OP hasn’t been on BYC in three weeks. Kinda strange response I got.

Anyway, really bummed about losing those two baby turks and hope to prevent that as much as possible in the future. I tried quite a bit. Egg yolk with mashed up starter feed and oregano oil in a syringe, chopped up live worms and fed that to them, sugar water in a syringe, etc.
I did. Two of my three poults did not make it. :/ Trying to learn as much as possible. Also thought it would be okay to ask OP if hers is doing better. Apparently that was a no no, though since OP hasn’t been on BYC in three weeks. Kinda strange response I got.

Anyway, really bummed about losing those two baby turks and hope to prevent that as much as possible in the future. I tried quite a bit. Egg yolk with mashed up starter feed and oregano oil in a syringe, chopped up live worms and fed that to them, sugar water in a syringe, etc.
What were their symptoms? Turkeys are susceptible to blackhead (histomoniasis), coccidiosis, & respiratory infections.

Blackhead can be treated if you start treatment soon enough. For treatment, I recommend:
  • Metronidazole for the actual blackhead (histomoniasis) 23 mg per pound orally once a day for five days.
  • Baytril (enrofloxacin) for the secondary E. coli infection that they always get. I give this by injection - 9.1 mg per pound once a day for 3-5 days.
  • Safeguard (fenbendazole) to treat the cecal worm.
The Baytril will work for most bacterial respiratory infections too.

For coccidiosis, I recommend Totlrazuril at about 10-12 mg per pound orally once a day for three days.
I did. Two of my three poults did not make it. :/ Trying to learn as much as possible. Also thought it would be okay to ask OP if hers is doing better. Apparently that was a no no, though since OP hasn’t been on BYC in three weeks. Kinda strange response I got.

Anyway, really bummed about losing those two baby turks and hope to prevent that as much as possible in the future. I tried quite a bit. Egg yolk with mashed up starter feed and oregano oil in a syringe, chopped up live worms and fed that to them, sugar water in a syringe, etc.
Don’t worry, not a No No! But something that can help you if you search for an answer and can only find older threads for it:

Click on the user’s name, and it will show you how long they have been a member, and how many posts they have made. Then click on their name again and you will come to this page:

Click on the word “find” and you will get a drop-down (or drop-up) box in which you can choose either all their content or just the threads they started.

Then you can scroll their threads to see if they ever made a new thread about their turkey (many people don’t continue one thread, they start new ones) or since they only have 19 total posts, you can scroll all their content easily. Doing that, you see that this poster only comes on BYC when they have a problem, and they never/rarely come back later to update.

I only go to this trouble if I’m super curious to see if they ever posted more about the situation. Or if the things they post are very interesting to me, I might do all this to find out what other interesting things they may have written. I have gone down several interesting rabbit trails this way. 😉 Some people are very interesting to follow.

Anyway, I’m sorry about your turkeys. You are in good hands now with @casportpony . She gives very good health advice.

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