Help! Baby bird fell with nest.


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 24, 2008
Brockton, MA
I thought maybe someone could help. A baby bird (i dont know whatkind) fell with nest from a tree. I don't know what to feed it. Its puttinghis head up to get food. I gave it a couple drops of sugar water for now. Do you think giving it moist chick starter would work? Or if you have any ideas it would be appreciated. Also do you think it should be under a heat lamp. This baby is very young. Its eyes are even open but it does have feathers. Maybe couple days old. Thanks
It definitely need some heat. As for feeding it I don't think chick starter would be good for it if you could find some worms and mash them up a bit I would think that would be the best food for it. Or other insects also. Good luck.
I dont think it would hurt and might help. I would try it if in your position. I would also go out early morning and collect night crawlers and cut them up for it. Make sure to keep it warm just like a chick.
Is there any way to put the nest back? That is what the wildlife people always tell me to do............
If not soak the meal worms in water then crush 'em up.....
We're not sure where the nest fell from. The neighbors dog had the nest when we found it. Weve been watching to see if the parents come around looking for it. In the meantime, i'm looking to see if there is a wildlife rehab around me. If not I ill do what I can. i just cant stand watching the poor thing starve to death. Im trying to make sure he isn't handled. Im feeding him right now while hes on his nest (in a plastic container) so he wont get attached and we can release him when hes big enough. Although im really hoping i can find the wildlife rehab.
For food, I suggest that you go to your local pet shop and get Exact brand Baby Bird Formula. You can buy a little bag of it and it is in powder form. You mix it with warm water until it is liqidy and feed him via pipette. Exact works on all baby birds and it gives them a complete balanced diet for all their nutritional needs.
If the nest had been gone for more than a couple hours, it is likely that the mom will not take it back and the chick will probably die. It sounds to be at a good age if it has some feathers and its eyes are open. You should feed it about every 3-4 hours until you can acurately guess at how old it is. Baby birds get dehydrate quickly!!! Make sure you keep him warm and very well fed and your little baby will grow up healthy and strong.
If you could, get some pics of him and I will try to help you out even more! Make sure you get that food AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!
Good luck!
If there is a wildlife park around in your state call them and ask if they know any wildlife rehabilitators. Be careful feeding it there is two tubes going down the throat one of them it breathes through and the other it eats if you get the wrong one you will suffocate it trying to feed it. I frogot which side is for food and which for air.
I dont quite agree with tubing. Everyone told my I had to tube my newborn pigeon and I didnt, I didnt want the risk. He was too small to tube, he could fit completely inside a teaspoon! He is 3 weeks now and I have never had a problem! Anyways, I suggest just using a pipette. When he opens his beak, juts put a drop or two on his tongue and he will swallow it. Notice that the parents dont ever need to use a tube! Haha, I just think that it is not worth the risk of him aspirating the food!
Wild bird rehab told me to feed baby birds dog food. They said
that is what they use. I take dry kibble and soak it 'til it's soft. I use tweezers to put it in their mouths. Works great. My baby birds fed on the dog food have done really well!!

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