Help! Bare, bloody butt pic

LOL, never mind on the mites, too.
I just Googled that and it took me to a page on this site with the info I need

Now why wouldn't the search feature do that

Maybe I'll Google how to pick up a chicken and apply that spray, too
LOL. Just be careful with Blue Kote, when they warn that it stains, they mean it! It will stain your skin, not just your clothes! I used it on one of my horses and it ran down my arm to my elbow, and I had blue/black skinned arms for about a week..I thought that when they warned of "staining", I assumed clothing.. LOL.. I tried and tried to scrub that stuff off and it only went from being black to a lighter blue, but still EXTREMELY noticeably.. LOL
I had to go to work with black and blue hands and arms.. People must have thought I just didn't bathe..

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Thanks for the heads up, Kim!

I think I'm going to try giving them fresh hamburger, too. I read that when trying to find out what blue kote was.
Boy, Gasoline doesn't even take that blue kote off

Well, the two are kinda sprayed, one better than the other. And the inside of my coop has a bunch of purple spray marks all over it

I called up MM this morning and they suggested I fill up a litterbox or similar with DE and let them dust themselves just in case it's mites. I was wondering how how you dusted a chicken. They aren't too sure it's mites with only two being affected and the no-mite strips hanging..... They thought it might be a protein deficiency, especially when I mentioned that I was finding feathers in the nestbox where obviously the chicken was plucking itself. And I told them that I changed their food about three weeks ago because I forgot to order some in. She said to give them some catfood. I only have senior catfood opened, so I tried a high protein dogfood until my hamburger thaws.
I'm going to change their shavings today and dust the H out of the coop with DE before I put the new shavings in. Hopefully I'll have all the bases covered.

So now I have a couple of half purple chickens walking around
My poor girls.
I agree with you why treat if you can prevent. I have buffs too and had the same problem. I did dust the chickens and then I gave them what I affectionately refer to as a chickuzzi. I took half of a plastic barrell and filled it half with sand and dirt and half with ashes and seven dust. Then when they are dustbathing in the chickuzzi they are also dusting themselves for mites. I have enjoyed watching them in their chickuzzi soooo much that I will definately have one in every run.
Don't you need to worry about the eggs if you use sevin? I have a bottle of sevin-5 that I picked up just in case, but I read so many mixed reviews on using it......

I was going to set up their dust bath with just the DE. Maybe I will mix in sand and sevin-5 if you think that will be OK.
in addition to the dusting...look for a molting vitamin/supplement (at your feed store or in the pet bird/cage bird section at the petstore... then make sure it has METHIONINE in it >this is the specific amino-acid (protein) associated with feather pecking/eating...also offer free choice live culture yogurt (is good source of methionine)...
have you been giving any treats with salt in it? If so then stop.
I haven't had any problems with using it. I have the chickuzzi outside so they aren't inhaling a lot of the dust. Lice are cousins of the flea so I operated under the assumption that they would be as difficult to kill. I cleaned out the coop, raked out their yard, put all new bedding and sevin dusted all of the chickens, their coop, yard, and installed the chickuzzi. Maybe we are eating sevin dust eggs, but the chickens are looking better!
I had an EE hen that had the same bare bottom look - I tried Blue Kote - did not work made the pecking worse - so I got a can of pine tar - smeared that on her bottom - stopped the pecking from the other hens - cleared her bottom up and she was right back to laying eggs in a few days.

she was on the bottom of the pecking order and not a " flock favorite" so she got pecked on all the time.

I'll keep the pine tar in mind.
The only treats I give them are salad fixins like cucumber, carrots, tomatoes, celery, lettuce (I never see them eat the lettuce though. They don't really like green things except grass). Sometimes green beans. They aren't a favorite either. They only get treats 2-3 times a week. I have some plain yogurt on hand. I'll give them some of that, too. The five of them just gobbled up 1/8 lb of burger.

I have a litterbox in their run with just the DE in it, but they aren't even looking at it yet. I was thinking of picking at the frozen ground and trying to get them some dirt in the box too, but I thought it might negate the drying qualities of the DE if it was mixed in with wet dirt.... What do you think?

And I just pulled five eggs out for the day, so whatever it is isn't slowing down their egg laying at all. Two of the eggs have purple on the shells. Hmmmm, wonder who layed those .... and one of those was coated with small feathers, so the feathers are still falling out or being pulled out.

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