Help!! Boy or Girl


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 28, 2014
Strafford, NH
I was hoping someone could tell me if this 6 week old chick is a boy or girl. They came from Tractor Supply and they were mixed, so no idea of breed or sex. He/She is a bit aggressive towards the other girls (definitely girls) and I've already taken one Roos out of the mix and put him in his own brooder. He's absolutely a Roos, comb and waddle are really red and he's super aggressive towards the girls and me. This one and the definite Roos tend to fly at each other and try to fight, so I'm thinking this may be a Roos too.
Thanks for the you can tell I'm a newbie and this is the first time with chicks.


I have Pullets that also fly and play fight with each other, by looking at the neck feathers I'm guessing it's a stag. If it's causing to much of an issue remove it any how.
I currently have a stag around 2 months that I separated due to aggression, he and I bonded and he has kinda become a pet, he follows me around and cuddles, he's still aggressive kinda with the others but I let then interact since they are older and more capable of protecting themselves from him.
He sleeps in my room, at night he has a crate he sleeps in and in the morning I take him out when I go to feed the others and I let him eat with them.

Slowly I have kinda been reintroducing him so now he can spend the day outside with them without pulling out more tail feathers.
He does at night not sleep with the group and since its cold out I still bring him in.
(Also found him in a tree not too long ago)
Thanks everyone!! I am going to transfer from the brooder to the coop today and put them all together again. We will see how they do. :) Wish me luck!

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