Help building my first aviary


In the Brooder
Jul 26, 2016
Hello everyone. I am a new peafowl mom. This is my boy Kevin. Some of you already met him. Kevin is 5 months old and we live in the center of Chile where it is currently the end of winter. Temps get down to near freezing at night but are around 15 C during the day, with thick fog at night and in the mornings and sunshine in the second half of the day, usually.
Kevin is my first peacock. My old neighbor, who breeds peafowl and rare phesants, gave him to me as a gift when Kevin was only one month old. I stay in touch with the man and he is guiding me on how to take care of Kevin. He tells me that right now, in the climate we live in, it's too soon to release Kevin into an outdoor aviary, but in about a month or two the weather will get better and Kevin will get bigger and he can relocate.

Right now Kevin lives inside a heated cage that I built for him, which is inside a small structure (bodega) on the property.
During this month my husband and I plan to build an aviary big enough for Kevin and other birds to be added in the future. We have some chickens that are waiting to be given to us by a neighbor as soon as we have a proper enclosrue and of course one day we will need mates for Kevin.

We know the basic principles behind the construction of an aviary having read a lot on the subject, but will appreciate any advice from people who actually have aviaries. Mainly I am curious about the shelter within the aviary and the types of roosts that are best to construct. I am attaching photos of the slice of land that we have dedicated to this project. I am also attaching photos of Kevin's current cage, our dog den for reference of the kind of material we have to work with, and the aviary of Kevin's dad back on the coast. It seems small to us. We have more space to work with. What do you think?

This is my boy

This is his current dwelling

This is Kevin's dad's aviary

This is our dog den where dogs go at night. During the day the have the entire land to roam on. I was thinking this general size for the aviary.

This is the space we have dedicated for the aviary. Perhaps from the pink dog to that bodega? Or is that overkill? Black dog to bodega? Pehaps I can use the bodega as a shelter?

Any tips will be helpful. Thank you.
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Hello everyone. I am a new peafowl mom. This is my boy Kevin. Some of you already met him. Kevin is 5 months old and we live in the center of Chile where it is currently the end of winter. Temps get down to near freezing at night but are in mid 50s C during the day, with thick fog at night and in the mornings and sunshine in the second half of the day, usually.
Kevin is my first peacock. My old neighbor, who breeds peafowl and rare phesants, gave him to me as a gift when Kevin was only one month old. I stay in touch with the man and he is guiding me on how to take care of Kevin. He tells me that right now, in the climate we live in, it's too soon to release Kevin into an outdoor aviary, but in about a month or two the weather will get better and Kevin will get bigger and he can relocate.

Right now Kevin lives inside a heated cage that I built for him, which is inside a small structure (bodega) on the property.
During this month my husband and I plan to build an aviary big enough for Kevin and other birds to be added in the future. We have some chickens that are waiting to be given to us by a neighbor as soon as we have a proper enclosrue and of course one day we will need mates for Kevin.

We know the basic principles behind the construction of an aviary having read a lot on the subject, but will appreciate any advice from people who actually have aviaries. Mainly I am curious about the shelter within the aviary and the types of roosts that are best to construct. I am attaching photos of the slice of land that we have dedicated to this project. I am also attaching photos of Kevin's current cage, our dog den for reference of the kind of material we have to work with, and the aviary of Kevin's dad back on the coast. It seems small to us. We have more space to work with. What do you think?

This is my boy

This is his current dwelling

This is Kevin's dad's aviary

This is our dog den where dogs go at night. During the day the have the entire land to roam on. I was thinking this general size for the aviary.

This is the space we have dedicated for the aviary. Perhaps from the pink dog to that bodega? Or is that overkill? Black dog to bodega? Pehaps I can use the bodega as a shelter?

Any tips will be helpful. Thank you.

We are doing a build now and have several tips on our pens if you do FB.

Gerald Barker

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