Help changing chicken laws in ANDOVER, MN -*UPDATE*


11 Years
Mar 2, 2012
Columbus, MN
My family and I have a desire to raise backyard chickens and we have been researching the idea for some time now. We recently moved to Andover, MN so naturally I looked into the city ordinance concerning keeping chickens. At this point, chickens are not allowed on residential properties with municipal water and sewer, but they are allowed in rural residential areas without municipal water and sewer. I'd like to move to have this changed to allow keeping chickens on residential properties with city water and sewer, perhaps by obtaining a permit or with certain restrictions. I've made some phone calls and sent some emails. So I am attempting to get the ball rolling, and I would love to connect up with anyone in the area who would also like to join me. Also, I know many of you have experienced similar situations with regard to city ordinance and laws and attempting to get them changed. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated!!

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Sorry I can't help but good luck and
The best advice I can offer, is to ease your way into it. If you approach the City Council with a proposition, refer to the birds you wish to get as pets, not livestock and that you are not raising them as livestock, nor do expect to earn an income off of them simply for your own enjoyment and a teaching tool (for example you or your children wish to be involved in 4-H) then perhaps they may make an exception to the city code.
At the same time you will be the example for anyone who may wish to do this in the future. City councils love to discuss things that are not the standard trudgery of the usual city discussions. If you know a Council member that always helps.
Don't be shy-know your info and forge ahead!

ETA: Have a plan. They will want to know how many birds, where they will be housed. What you will do with their waste etc. What plan you have set in place to keep your birds from becoming a nuisance to others who may be... less than enthustiastic about chicken keeping, primarily neighbors of course. Ask your neighbors how they would feel. Go with knowledge and confidence.
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Thanks for the encouragement and advice. I spoke to the city clerk regarding the specifics of the ordinance and asked for some background info on whether the issue had been presented before. He told me the last time they discussed chickens was back in 2006 and the tone of that meeting was that chickens were a nuisance- smelly, loud, unsightly. He also said that considering the ordinance prohibiting backyard chickens, they do get a surprising number of complaints from neighbors. So, this means that people in the area do in fact keep chickens, however, the attitude of city council surrounding this practice sounds like its a negative one... At least according to the city clerk. He also said they don't actively look for violations and will only follow up if there is a complaint. he encouraged me to start a petition.

In the meantime, I think I will start pitting together a proposal. I would also like to look into starting a petition. For those who have done this, is it more effective to go door to door or put something online... Or maybe both? TIA
Use both methods. the folks who have birds, may think it's a trick to get on their property! It sounds like you could get by with a "wink" but if you can get a petition proceed. But certainly address the concerns that were expressed in the 2006 meeting. Maybe there is a record of that meeting to read from or listen to. Chickens can be just as big of a pest to people as roaming dogs, even though their damage is restricted to "landscaping", you know scratch here, fertilize there...! Housing the birds, keeping them penned as much for their protection from predators, as prevention from eating a neighbors flowers. Crowing is usually the biggest issue. if you can say you are just looking to have a few hens, that will help. Of course do not bring up the crowing but do be prepared to discuss it.
I'm in Arlington VA, where county ordinances prohibit almost everyone from owning chickens. Yards are just too small. I'm involved with a group called the Arlington Egg Project- they are working to have the ordinances changed to allow a limited number of backyard hens (but no roosters). That may be an idea to consider. You might get other ideas from their website:

Good luck!
I can't believe you just posted this! :) We are new to Andover and just today started looking into raising a few chickens. Have you made any progress? I would like to help if possible.
I also am very interested in having hens for fresh organic eggs in my back yard! I would love to help in any way possible to make this happen!! So happy to hear that others have an interest in making this become a reality in Andover, MN.
We've encountered the same issues with Chickens in Andover, MN. We would like to see the city ordinance changed to allow at poultry anywhere within the city limits. You are permitted to raise rabbits though. Until the ordinance is changed, we may have to raise rabbits with a stray chicken or two mixed in, to go along with our 3 dogs. Time for stealth mode...

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