Help - Chicken at Deadly Nightshade Berry


Oct 19, 2018
I didn't find anything exactly on this issue, and apologize if it's a repeat! But...

My sweet pet, Gabrielle, a 4 year old Buff Orpington (approx. 6 #'s) just ate a Deadly Nightshade Berry during supervised free-range. The plant was small and only had a couple berries. She saw it at the same time I did, and ate one of the berries before I could pull the plant. I think the berry was green, as the remaining berry was green (so not fully ripe). Gabrielle just began molting, so I know her energy level is low.

Is there anything I can do at this point? I have charcoal on hand for emergencies, but haven't every used it (and, am not sure quite how to). Any help would be really appreciated!

Thanks so much!
I tried to find info, but there was so much conflicting information! A clutch is a good idea, but I'm not sure tree is much else you can do. My hope is that one isn't the end of the world. I really hope it turns out ok! Maybe a call to a vet might help? I wish I had answers!

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