HELP, chicken coughing, gasping, listless, spreading rapidly

The Tylan powder is mixed into the water at 1 1/4 teaspoon per gallon and given up to 7 days. Don't eat the eggs for at least 10 days after stopping the Tylan.

Is your bird eating or drinking??
I would recommend a dropper inserted into the crop but I am not sure how bad the inflammation is in the trachial area in this particular bird. You will know not to do this if the bird will not drink. The bird, however, will eat longer than drink before it becomes fatal. I just took a pinch of Tylan and sprinkled it into the feed. It seems the quicker you catch it the faster and better they seem. I ordered Oxine to drop into their water so the bacterial spread is inhibited greatly.
I am so sorry that I can't remember what the antibiotic was called. I know it is a white, yellow package with red and black writing. Not much help, huh? It is a common poultry antibiotic as our small feed store had it and so did a larger chain. I just went in a told them what my chickens were doing, coughing with a few who had discharge, watery eyes and were lethargic.

I went to McMurray and found the link to the medicine after writing all of the above!

Hope it helps!
I do not know what your birds have, as symptoms of many viral and bacterial diseases are similar. You would be treating them blindly. One thing I do not agree with is giving any antibiotic as a preventative, as was suggested. That's the surest way to lose your flock when and if they really do need an antibiotic.

The only way to know what they have and if it will even respond to antibiotics is to have one tested. Viruses do not respond to antibiotics in humans or birds.
I have aureomycin and am giving it to them currently along with a probiotic. I am not sure if I mentioned this but there is no swelling anywhere on the birds. The only one with severe symptoms just has its eyes closed, they do not appear to be swollen.
I addition I have tylan-50, the injection, not the powder.
I was thinking it was infectious bronchitis based on what I have been able to find. Does anyone agree with me on this?
One tell tale sign of IB is wrinkled egg shells. I too think you need to get them tested if you want to whip the infection.

Some resp. diseases are passed through the egg to the offspring too. Others can be stopped by hatching new stock and practicing very good bio-security. But you have to know exactly what you are dealing with.
Yeah, that is the only problem I had with that diagnosis, the eggs, as far as the ones I have found, are fine. The reason I am looking for a diagnosis is that the county extension agent is not in until Monday, and alot can happen in that time.
Here would be a good start. And I assure you that it is staffed 24/7 due to the fact they have animals there that must be tended to no matter what. If they do like OSU an answering service will take your call and then a vet will return the call.

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