HELP! Chicken trapped and starving!! UPDATED :]


10 Years
Mar 19, 2009
East Texas! :)
Ok, A few days ago one of our Americanas went missing. We thought maybe a hawk got her, but just now my little brother found her! She was trapped in our garage under some stuff! Shes very weak and hasn't eaten or had a drink in days
She cant stand up or anything and shes so weak she's barely eating or drinking!

Please help! We dont know if shes gonna die or not D: What do we do to get her healthy again? And how do we get her to eat and drink? Shes barely keeping her eyes open :[
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Do you have a heat lamp that you could put her under? Keeping her warm will help. Make sure her food/water is within easy reach so she can save her energy but still eat/drink. Is she eating/drinking anything? It sounds like she is. Maybe make her some scrambled eggs or give her some yogurt. Something easy to eat (soft, so not much energy needed to eat it) but also a good source of energy for her. I'd probably put a little bit of sugar in her water for extra energy, too.

Good luck!
Poli-visol vitamins with out iron and electrolytes. Try sugar in the water too! don't force feed her but keep some boiled or scrambled egg for her to eat. Lots of water and vitamins!

Good Luck and God Bless!
Get her to a warm dry spot--I like a dog crate in the bathroom or laundry for a chicken hospital. She needs to drink so if she won't do it on her own dribble water down the edge of her beak (avoiding the nares) with an eye dropper. If you have any electolyte solution add that to the water, Poly-visol (no Iron) is good too. She might be tempted to eat if you give her some scrambled eggs so try that too. Don't give up just yet, there are many, many threads of this same thing and the chook surviving.
Thank you all ^-^

Shes eating a whole lot but not really drinking

Shes been in there 3 or 4 days so Im really glad we found her

Were trying everything you all suggested. THANKS SO MUCH! Shes a whole lot better than when we first found her. Her comb was black at the tips and now its red again! Yay :]

We have her in an old bird cage in the back yard. Shes laying on some blankets and has both food and water right next to her
Maybe some fresh fruit, mine love pears. Not any protein in it, but it will give him some carbs. Mine also like baby food fruit mixed in their crumbles so they are moist. Another thing you might try is fresh or frozen (thawed) strawberries since they are drawn to the color red.

You might drip some of the sugar water on the tip of her beak and see if she will open her beak for more. I wouldn't force feed her as she may aspirate it and drown. If she opens her beak for you just put a drop in the very tip and see if she swallows it. Use an eye dropper so you have good control over the size of the drop.

Good luck, hope she pulls through.
Thats great but she really needs water! I'm glad to hear she's doing better. Water is essential. she can eat too much and if not enough hydration it can kill too! Just be careful and make sure she drinks!

Good luck and God bless!
Try to give her some electrolytes with a syringe. If she has started eating, chances are that she is going to be OK.
Sounds like she might go into shock afer almost dieing...just try and get some water into her...if she refuses water try raw egg just poke a hole with your thumb and she'll do the rest keeps her highdrated cause all the moisture.She might not want the white but she can't refuse the yolk. Hope it helps
poor thing under a bunch of stuff seems like shed be squshed...

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