Help, chicken wont lay in coop


In the Brooder
Apr 30, 2016
Well guys and gals, i need help

My buff orpington started laying about 2 weeks ago. I found her laying spot, and its in the landscape. I pick her up and her egg and place them both in a nesting box. She will sit there for about 30 min and then jump down.

The next day she is back in the landscape laying again. So i repeat the process

How do i break her of this habit and get her to lay in the boxes?

Also, she has laid about 1.5 dozen eggs and she is going broody already. Now if i approach her she makes all kinds of screeches and growls.

I need some tips

I think my isa browns are laying too, but i dont see any eggs around yet,.....I kept them in the coop today all day to see if they are or not...

For my hens i place golf balls in the nesting boxes. They make the hens think its a safe place to lay since another hen "laid and egg" there too. I dont know your setup but if you have a coop and run, id keep them in the run with the golf balls in the nests until they get the idea of hey, this is where i lay. It worked for me, i have 9 hens i raised from day one and they all use the boxes even though i let them free range one 3 acres all day everyday with plenty of good places to lay and hide eggs. They even put them selves to bed in the coop at night. All i do is open the door morning and night and give them water and they do the rest on their own.
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I was totally taken by your 'gold balls'! Too funny! As far the Steg's problem with the pullets, keep them in their coop and run until later in the afternoon, at least. The girls need to figure out where to lay their eggs, or random hidden nests will be an ongoing problem. Mary
It is interesting. Our chickens are just getting to Egg laying age and are typicall free range as well. I have the sneaking suspicion a couple of them have already laid outside of the nesting boxes. The NH Red went to nesting box with golf balls right away. We are going to keep them confined to the coop/run for a couple of days to see who all is definitely laying.
After a few days, a week at the latest they all should be using the nesting boxes with the golf balls no problem:)
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We are about to have our first multiple egg day. A new (unidentified) chicken laid this morning and our repeat layer is at it right now. At what point do you stop obsessing about it? much fun.
Ok guys and gals, i have a update

I left all my chickens in the coop/run this morning before i left for work. I thought everyone else is getting eggs, why am i not?

So i left them in there this morning, i just stopped home on my lunch hour and guess what i of my isa browns laid me a very nice (large compared to my buff orpington) egg!!!

They have probably been laying so a while all over the place. My goal is this weekend to leave them in the coop until about 2pm or so...then let them out

My isa browns used the boxes too! it was awesome!

Now i just need to get my buff in there...i think she will get the hang of it

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