Help Chickens Didn't Come Back !!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 17, 2009
I live in the city and have a chicken tractor in my back yard with 2 hens. 1 is a golden polish named Helga and the other is a blue Andalusian named tiny. Yesterday i went out to shut their coop door (they go in at night after being out all day) and i looked and they weren't on the roost. I walked around with a flash light and didn't see them but i did notice the gate was open. I figured i would wait until the morning to see if they would be in the yard when I got up. They were no were to be found. They just completely VANISHED ! This morning i drove walked down the street and all around looking for them and clucking to see if I could hear them no sign..

There is no feathers or anything around they just vanished.. Any Idea's ?? What should I do, put up flyers around to neighboring houses to see if they've seen them.. How long can they go without food or water provided.. ARGH i'm freaking out i'm really attached to them.




I'm sorry, I'm wondering if someone came and took them away? No feathers and they didn't return - may mean someone helped themselves to your chickens. You could check with the local animal shelter to see if anyone found them and turned them in. Post pictures, etc. They will find bugs & stuff to eat if they are still wandering around. But if they didn't return my guess is they aren't lost - chickens don't usually go very far from their coop/home.
I agree with bobbieschicks that they aren' t lost. So posting flyers doesn't seem like it would help. It might be helpful to talk to your immediate neighbors to see if they noticed any activity in your absence. Have you received any complaints from neighbors about the chickens?
I am sorry for your losses. I hope that they just misplaced themselves, but I think that unlikely with the gate being open and all. They were lovely birds, so I would not be surprised if someone walked away with them. Check your local shelters and with Animal Control first to see if anyone turned them in. If no luck there, then I would post some flyers with a reward offered.

I hope you find them. Good luck.
They may have started nests in grass thickets. I went through the same thing. I worried and worried and then all of a sudden there was the missing girl. A bit later she vanished into thin air. Took me about a week before I finally saw her turn her head through a gap in the grass while she was laying on a nest of 11 eggs. It was amazing how she was right there and hidden so well.

I doubt anyone walked off with them. They aren't likely going to be so willing to be caught by a stranger. You'd see feathers from the chase.

I wish the best for your girls.

GREAT NEWS !!! After freaking out and being depressed all day yesterday I put up flyers on my street and the adjacent street. Shortly after posting them i received an unknown phone call !! The girl said she knows where my chickens are. She said she saw them in the alley behind my house and they picked them up because she didn't know where they belonged. Her mom has a chicken farm up north and she came and got them and took them up to her farm. Hopefully they will be coming home today !! The girl on the phone was more happy i think than i was to tell me this information.. AWESOME i'm excited..
Thanks for your posts !!


There IS hope for mankind after all..... Glad to know someone did get involved in saving your girls. Your girls got to go on a roadtrip:cd. Now are that going to want to go on vacations every year?

So happy you found them!!!!


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