Alright here I go.. I had a mixed flock of 6 hens all about 8 months old. Healthy and laying eggs daily. I took in some other chickens from a animal swap in town and got 5 more hens of different ages and from different people. I kept them seperated for about 5 days and they seemed fine but after I put them all together on a Saturday . On the following Thursday 2 of the young silkies were sick and coughing and had running noses.. So I took them out and put them on antibotics and seem to be doing better. Now one of the new chickens is sleeping all day and not hanging out with the others and her eye is crusted shut along with another one of the new ones just its eye though. Now my orginal chickens are not laying as much and otherwise seem healthy so far. What do I do. I am not sure if I just dose them all with antibotics or what? PLEASE HELP...