Help! - Chickens won't stop tearing up flower beds!!!

The only thing I have found that works is to lay chicken wire down in the flower beds around and as close as you can get to the plants. The chickens won't scratch because of the wire and leave it alone. I have a fence that is about 3 ft. tall around my vegetable garden, and while I have had one fly in there on occasion that couldn't get back out, they generally do not fly in there.
Thanks Peachygirl. I'm pretty certain that I'm going to enclose additional run space under a big Maple tree and just confine them to that. I know they'll tear that area up too, but at least I'll have a yard and garden. I hate to take their freedom away, but my property is only 0.18 acres with most of it being the house. Can't have the little that's left looking as it does right now! I love my hens, but they sure are a challenge sometimes.
In the spring, you can take chicken wire and lay it flat against the ground and pin it down with sod spikes over any loose soil. You'll have to cut holes in it to plant your flowers but it works. They'll try to scratch in the dirt but will eventually loose interest and move on. It worked for me!
Chicken wire is a good idea for new beds, but I've got 14 years worth of well established shrubs and perennials in the beds. Not sure how easy it would be to put wire around or between these plants, but I'll give it some thought. Thanks!

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