HELP! Chicks Won't Use Nipple Waterer!


5 Years
Jan 27, 2014
Central Oregon
My chicks are now 2 weeks old, growing like weeds. I've been using the quart-size plastic water dish thing, but have had on order a water bottle nipple waterer on order which arrived today. I installed it in the brooder wall...and watched...and watched...they won't use it! As a result I've kept the other water dish thing in there so they won't be starved for water.

QUESTION: How do I get them to use the dang thing?.....HELP, please...and thank you!
I've never tried a nipple waterer, and I find that a normal water dish or hanging dish works just fine. I feel like the only plus about the nipple waterer is the fact that the chicks can't fill it up with debris. I'm not sure why your chicks won't use it. Maybe it's because they don't know it has water in it? Sorry I couldn't be more help.
Did you show them how to get water out of it? You have to pretty much take their head and make their beak come in contact with the nipple and let them get water from it. It doesn't take them long to catch on. Also, if you haven't taken the other water source out, they won't use the nipple because they will want to use what they're used to. :)
Did you show them how to get water out of it? You have to pretty much take their head and make their beak come in contact with the nipple and let them get water from it. It doesn't take them long to catch on. Also, if you haven't taken the other water source out, they won't use the nipple because they will want to use what they're used to. :)
Makes sense...I haven't tried to snatch them up and put their beaks to the nipple...I'll do that. But I'm so fearful of taking away their other water source for fear they won't be able to drink. The reason I want to 'train' them on the water nipple is because my BA chicks think they're ducks, I swear!! They literally dive-bomb into it. And wood shaving bits collect up, too...aaack!! Thank you SO much for the info!
Makes sense...I haven't tried to snatch them up and put their beaks to the nipple...I'll do that. But I'm so fearful of taking away their other water source for fear they won't be able to drink. The reason I want to 'train' them on the water nipple is because my BA chicks think they're ducks, I swear!! They literally dive-bomb into it. And wood shaving bits collect up, too...aaack!! Thank you SO much for the info!
Boy, do I know that feeling!

I have successfully got two batches off chicks to take to the nipple quickly. The first set, I started out with a bowl of water. They used that for a couple of weeks until I got tired of getting them clean water and having them spill it too. It took one session of showing them how and after that, they got it. And with my second set, they learned from day one to use the nipple waterer. I don't see them drinking, even two weeks later, but they must be drinking because the bottle empties out and they are all still alive. lol
My chicks are now 2 weeks old, growing like weeds. I've been using the quart-size plastic water dish thing, but have had on order a water bottle nipple waterer on order which arrived today. I installed it in the brooder wall...and watched...and watched...they won't use it! As a result I've kept the other water dish thing in there so they won't be starved for water.

QUESTION: How do I get them to use the dang thing?.....HELP, please...and thank you!
The number one rule of getting chicks to use a poultry nipple drinker is to TAKE ALL OTHER WATER OUT. If they aren't thirsty, they won't use it especially if their other drinker is there. I've given a nipple drinker to day old chicks with no other options and they picked it up on their own. I like to give them a few days with a cup, though. I assume the nipple is made out of red plastic? Chickens are instinctively attracted to red. If you're worried, here's a stress free way to transition them.

1) Install nipple drinker
2) REMOVE OTHER WATER SOURCE from morning until night. This will stimulate their thinking. Chickens are very smart given the chance.
3) Put their old drinker in at night and let them get a good long drink to ease your mind. (note that this makes the process take longer, but if it makes you feel better it's okay)
4) In the morning, remove their other drinker again. Leave it out allllllllllll day like before.
5) Put it back in that night / remove the next morning.
6) Repeat for approximately 3 days......but after that don't let them have their bowl drinker anymore.

For adult birds, just take the water bowl out, put the nipple drinker in,.............Done. They won't let themselves dehydrate. (assuming normal weather temperatures, of course. Don't transition fast in a major heat wave)
The number one rule of getting chicks to use a poultry nipple drinker is to TAKE ALL OTHER WATER OUT. If they aren't thirsty, they won't use it especially if their other drinker is there. I've given a nipple drinker to day old chicks with no other options and they picked it up on their own. I like to give them a few days with a cup, though. I assume the nipple is made out of red plastic? Chickens are instinctively attracted to red. If you're worried, here's a stress free way to transition them.

1) Install nipple drinker
2) REMOVE OTHER WATER SOURCE from morning until night. This will stimulate their thinking. Chickens are very smart given the chance.
3) Put their old drinker in at night and let them get a good long drink to ease your mind. (note that this makes the process take longer, but if it makes you feel better it's okay)
4) In the morning, remove their other drinker again. Leave it out allllllllllll day like before.
5) Put it back in that night / remove the next morning.
6) Repeat for approximately 3 days......but after that don't let them have their bowl drinker anymore.

For adult birds, just take the water bowl out, put the nipple drinker in,.............Done. They won't let themselves dehydrate. (assuming normal weather temperatures, of course. Don't transition fast in a major heat wave)
Wow! You guys have all been SO nice to reply to my dilemma for answers! A special thanks to pawtraitart .. great've set my mind at ease. Will start the 6-step routine tomorrow!
3 of my chicks got it right away with no more instruction than me tapping the nipple a couple times. The faverolles didn't seem to be catching on, so I picked them up, tapped the nipple and put their beak in the water drip.

Done. They all got it after that and have had no issues since.

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