Help! Cochin without feathered feet?


Mar 6, 2018
Syracuse, NY
I received this chick from purely poultry, having included a Red frizzle Cochin bantam in my order. The other Cochins that I received were black and grey, and as Cochin-ish as expected.
though this red One has some Cochin features, it is very different than any Cochin chick that I have had. It has miniscule feathering to its feet, it was larger in size than the other two, but not as plump. It also had almost full wing feathers upon arrival.
Here I have included some pictures of this chick at 3 weeks old.
Can anyone with Cochin experience tell me why some may not have feathered legs? Or is it an entirely different breed all together?
Thank you for your time!
I have a a baby just like her. I don't think she was poorly bred. I joined this site to figure out what she was. She is a mystery to everybody especially since she has 5 toes! I still love her lol. I think it has to do a lot with genes from down the line. But they start to look awesome when their feathers really start coming in! 20180511_222839.jpg 20180511_223858.jpg 20180511_222849.jpg

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